Why should you donate?
How to donate to the team?
FRC Team 8829 | Shoshone Robotics is a program of Shoshone High School. ​Tax deductible forms will be provided upon request.
Ways to make tax-deductible donation:
please get in contact with Brandee Lewis | brandee.lewis@shoshonesd.org
Mail checks payable to Shoshone High School Robotics Team to:
Shoshone High School/Shoshone Robotics
61 E Highway 24
Shoshone, ID 83352
Sponsorship Opportunities
This is a great opportunity to advertise your business and support the Shoshone Robotics Team
Supporter ($100 - $499)
A thank you letter for your support and a certificate of recognition.
Company name/logo on our team website.
Gold Level ($1000 - $4999)
A thank you note for your support and a certificate of recognition.
Company name/logo on our team website.
Company name/logo on team shirts.
Photograph of our competition team and robot.
Company name & logo displayed on competition robot.
Recognition of your sponsorship on our social media.
Company name/logo displayed in our competition pit.
Silver Level ($500 - $999)
A thank you note for your support and a certificate of recognition.
Company name/logo on our team website.
Company name/logo on team shirts.
Photograph of our competition team and robot.
Platinum Level ($5000+)
A thank you note for your support and a certificate of recognition.
Company name/logo on our team website.
Company name/logo on team shirts.
Photograph of our competition team and robot.
Company name/logo displayed on competition robot.
Recognition of your sponsorship as Main sponsor on our social media.
Company name/logo (in large) displayed in our competition pit.
Robotics team members coming to your business to personally thank you, demonstrate our competition robot, and discuss our season! (Within 100 miles)